3 FACES Es Baluard 2019 _ _ArteEdadSilicio_New.jpg
2-Ars Electronica 2018_ Ars Electronica_New.jpg
1- Creative Approaches to the Beep Electronic Art Collection_ Mo Li_New.jpg
Expo Hiperobjetos 1.jpg
Hiperobjetos 2.jpg
Hiperobjetos 3.jpg
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6.- YoungGalleryWeekend 2019_New.jpg
4-Mobile Week Barcelona 2019_New.jpg
5- ArsElectronica2019_ Ars Electronica_New.jpg
3 FACES Es Baluard 2019 _ _ArteEdadSilicio_New.jpg
2-Ars Electronica 2018_ Ars Electronica_New.jpg
1- Creative Approaches to the Beep Electronic Art Collection_ Mo Li_New.jpg
Expo Hiperobjetos 1.jpg
Hiperobjetos 2.jpg
Hiperobjetos 3.jpg
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6.- YoungGalleryWeekend 2019_New.jpg
4-Mobile Week Barcelona 2019_New.jpg
5- ArsElectronica2019_ Ars Electronica_New.jpg
3 FACES Es Baluard 2019 _ _ArteEdadSilicio_New.jpg
2-Ars Electronica 2018_ Ars Electronica_New.jpg
1- Creative Approaches to the Beep Electronic Art Collection_ Mo Li_New.jpg
Collaboration is in our DNA because sharing is in our DNA, it is in the DNA of technological art deeply rooted from its origins to the Internet and the collaborative networks it fostered. Sharing, collaborating with generosity, achieves exponential results.
How could it be otherwise?