
The New Art Centre is a 3,000 m2 space for the exhibition of technological art. A large space designed to promote the creation of an artistic legacy linked to science and technology, as well as for its conservation and preservation for future generations
It is a mixed proposal where the conceptual and physical limits between the exhibition space and the warehouse are blurred. An open proposal in which warehouses and laboratories are visible to visitors. A human, participatory, collaborative place to learn and share. A space that, in addition to preserving and exhibiting, generates new projects and proposals.
The NAC is an art space for community service, which houses both its own works and those of artists, institutions and foundations that require a specialized conservation and maintenance service. A possible work thanks to the systematic and dynamic conservation protocols, developed by the 20-year work experience of the .NewArt { collection;} in collaboration with numerous artists and curators. At the same time, protocols are based on collective research processes with the Universitat Politècnica de València since 2016.
NAC key points:
A 1,500 m2 warehouse accessible to the general and specialized public.
More than 4,000 m3 available to artists, institutions and foundations in order to safeguard and preserve works of technological art.
A strategy for activating and exhibiting works of technological art with a conservation protocol, which allows an early diagnosis and rapid intervention of the works.
A space where to apply the knowledge developed with our collaborators: the Universitat Politècnica de València, the NASS Consortium (New Art Sustainability Services) and the Hacte, among others.
A centre that is committed to a green culture aligned with the objectives of the New European Bauhaus; with the principles and criteria of the triple social, ecological and digital transition.

At the New Art Foundation we see…
Technological art as a tool of innovation and social and economic transformation.
Technological art as a tool for development, social cohesion and inclusion.
Technological art as a training and educational tool.

Become a new European reference in the movement of art, science and technology at the service of the artistic community and society in general.
To become a space that can be visited in its entirety by the public and researchers.
Become a versatile space open to proposals.
Become an inspiring space.
Become a space for all audiences.
Become a space to meet and share.

Make visible