Gender Policies

Gender equality Plan
In 2024, the NAF will start a small stable human structure that must accompany the launch of the new New Art Center.
In its commitment to gender quality, the NAF has established a series of commitments and actions to promote gender equality in the organization and on the path to promoting women's art works.
Main objective
The fundamental objective that the NAF has set is to ensure equal opportunities for women in their professional practice.
The NAF will direct its actions in gender equality for two fundamental audiences:
A new balanced workforce with a male-female composition is guaranteed by the organization's human team. There are currently four women members on the board of trustees of the Foundation. In 2024, there will be a new female patron joining. Likewise, as the representatives of some official entities are expiring in the coming months, a proposal has already been made to the institutions to consider female representatives. This means that by the end of 2024, the members of the Board of Trustees will be gender neutral. The New Art Center's new manager is female and has prioritized hiring women for different roles.
In the area of supporting artists, priority should be given to supporting new female artists, promoting their work, artistic residencies, and completing projects. In fact, a residency for a young female artist is planned in the 2024 work plan.
In terms of resources, it is possible to distinguish between economic resources, training, and other support tools.
Economic resources: The NAF ensures that wages for men and women with equivalent levels of responsibility and training are completely equal.
Training: The NAF ensures that training programmes are equal for men and women
Supporting tools: The NAF ensures that both men and women have access to the same and appropriate tools to carry out their duties.
The gender equality plan will be implemented by 2024 and will be visible through all organizational communication channels.