ARCO - BEEP Electronic Art Award
In collaboration with:
Established in 2006 the ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art Award, carried out in collaboration with the ARCOmadrid International Contemporary Art Fair, has been set as the origin, the triggering element, of the .NewArt { collection;} formerly known as the .BEEP { Collection;}.
awarded to the work
ADSUM by Eduardo Kac
Galería Henrique Faria - 7A04
The ARCO BEEP ELECTRONIC ART PRIZE celebrates its twentieth edition by awarding the prize to the work ADSUM by Eduardo Kac, thus closing a circle that began 20 years ago precisely with the acquisition of his first work from the Brazilian artist. ADSUM consists of a 1x1x1 cm glass cube that contains a message in symbols,which traveled to the Moon aboard Firefly's Blue Ghost
where it landed on Sunday, excuse the redundancy, perfectly.
Eduardo Kac is one of the leading lights of contemporary art. Throughout his long career he has created numerous works at the confluence of art, technology and organic and biological
processes. ADSUM is a journey to the Moon but also to the processes of territorialization and deterritorialization characteristic of the Smithsonian dialectic.
It is an anthropological and cosmological work whose title ADSUM, I am here, speaks of the processes of terraforming and our place in the universe. The journey to the moon in the end allows us to situate ourselves both from the WORK that is on the Moon and from the object that is exhibited in ARCO, to think about the dimension of destiny and also about our existential crossroads.
With the celebration of the XX ARCO_BEEP Electronic Art Award, a stage is closed to begin a new journey under the name of NewArtAward@ARCO, of which this is the first edition, hoping to celebrate at least another 20 editions, with the invaluable collaboration and complicity of the Arts Connection Foundation.
For yet another edition, the jury was made up of Marie-France Veyrat, Andreina Fuentes, Angarita, Roberta Bosco, Fernando Castro Flores and Vicente Matallana.
NewArtAward@ARCO First Edition
awarded to the work
ADSUM by Eduardo Kac
Henrique Faria Gallery - 7A04
The NewArtAward@ARCO Prize for Electronic Art is clearly a success case of ARCO in promoting collecting. Aqer 20 years of collaboration, it has not only resulted in a collection that is an international reference, but its Foundation, the .NewArt { foundation;}, is currently building an Art Center in Reus specialized in the production and conservation of technological artistic heritage. It will be inaugurated in spring of 2025.
For any additional information or inquiries about the NewArtAward@ARCO Electronic Art Award, please contact:
Vicente Matallana
History of winners:
First edition: Eduardo Kac, Ricardo Iglesias & Gerald Kogler.
Second edition: Christophe Bruno, Davide Grassi.
Third edition: José Manuel Berenguer.
Fourth edition: Ubermorngen.
Fifth edition: Julius von Bismarck & Benjamin Maus.
Sixth edition: Anaisa Franco.
Seventh edition: Marcela Armas.
Eighth edition: Charles Sandison.
Ninth edition: Manu Arregui, Manuel Fernández, Andrés Pachón.
Tenth edition: Analivia Cordeiro.
Eleventh edition: Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau.
Twelfth edition: Lugán. Daniel Canogar and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer received jointly the Honorable Award.
Thirteenth edition: Eugenio Ampudia.
Fourteenth edition: Mariano Sardón & Mariano Sigman.
Fifteenth edition: Joan Foncuberta & Pilar Rosado.
Sixteenth edition: Marina Núñez
Seventeenth edition: Lúa Coderch, Julia Múgica, Lluís Nacenta and Iván Paz.
Eighteenth edition: Peter Weibel, Evru Zush.
Nineteenth edition: Daniel Conogar, Peter Halley.
Twentieth edition: Eduardo Kac
Twentieth ARCO - BEEP Electronic Art Award Ceremony, 2025

First ARCO - BEEP Electronic Art Award Ceremony, 2006